Saturday, November 1, 2014

A busy, rough week

Monday, Scott had his port placed. He was very nervous about the procedure. It was pretty short and afterwards, he wasn't doing too bad. They left a line in so they could easily access it at infusion for chemotherapy.

Tuesday through Thursday, Scott underwent chemotherapy. The drugs they used were Etoposide and Carboplatin. Sitting through his first day, Scott did fairly well. He relaxed and tried to nap while the chemo drugs were put into his body via the port. 

Then that night, he threw up. He was so sick. It happened so quickly. The another frustrating moment happened that evening, accompanied with panic and tears. Melayna witnessed Scott throwing up which led to a discussion at dinner about Daddy's new medicine and what to expect. Out of the blue, Hayley asks, in front of Melayna and Tristan, "did they say how long Daddy will live?" This is after I've established with the older two that this is a subject not to talk about in front of Melayna and Tristan. We haven't breached this subject with the younger two due to their ages. I panicked. I didn't know what to say but tell Hayley that this is not to be discussed in front of the other two. But since the subject was breached, I said that cancer is unpredictable. Melayna was oblivious, of course. But Tristan had this concerned look on his face. Then he started to bawl his little eyes out. I picked him up, he sobbed in my arms as I took him to our room. Scott and I frantically tried to comfort him. Assure him Daddy is okay right now and that he's still here. My poor little boy, if he wasn't before, is now very aware that Daddy might die from cancer. My heart aches for him. For all of our children. They shouldn't have to go through this. Unfortunately, they are and this just sucks. 

Of course, this week was Halloween. Someone I work with put together a bag filled with treats, cupcakes, and pumpkin carving kits. She also gave us pumpkins and money for pizza. So, the kids and I carved pumpkins, ate pizza and cupcakes, and listened to the soundtrack to Nightmare Before Christmas.

On Halloween, Scott was too sick to go out with the kids, so he laid in bed and had the kids trick-or-treat with him before heading out into the neighborhood.  He got to wear his costume last weekend at a local game store, so at least his mom's hard work at putting it together didn't go to waste. The kids, of course, got a huge haul of candy and had a ton of fun going from house to house. The two younger ones and I never left our street (they got so much from just our street alone!)

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