Sunday, November 9, 2014

WesCon for the Win!

This past week has had its ups and downs. Last weekend, I shared a bit about how Tristan found out about Scott dying. Since last week, Tristan has acted up a little more in school and at daycare. Last Saturday, Scott's mother found Tristan crying (I was out at Zumba during this time). She brought him to Scott and they talked for a bit. I was told that Tristan expressed being upset about Daddy changing and being scared that he will be different. Later that day, I took the kids to Target to spend their report card money. All three of the girls had frustrated me before going to Target, so I aired out some frustration with Tristan walking by my side. I had said something to the effect of, "why does everyone have to make things so difficult?" Holding my hand, he said to me, matter-of-factly, "Brain cancer made everything difficult, mom." My sweet boy is processing all this new information and he so succinctly stated the woes of our family. So wise beyond his years.

Now, Tristan is very attached to his Grandpa (my dad). When we first learned of Scott's cancer back in February, he asked for Grandpa. Knowing this, I asked my dad if he had time this weekend for his little buddy. Of course, my dad always has time for him. So, last Sunday, Tristan went on a hike in Palmer Park and got to go to the Bass Pro Shop with his grandpa. My dad told me that he while they were at Bass Pro Shop, Tristan read all the names of the fish on the wall there and he wanted to know if that was all the fish. He is always absorbing new information.

Monday, I got this message from Tristan's teacher:
Tristan has suddenly become a one man Duck Dynasty! He’s making lists of all the fish he’s going to catch. He’s making a list of hunting targets, and I’ve had to tell him several times to put his hat in his backpack. He makes me smile!

While his day with Grandpa is certainly one he remembers and enjoyed, I know that my little man is hurting and he thinks of his daddy. I know that he is thinking about cancer and what is happening to him. He has such a curious spirit and he yearns for answers. But I also do know that he is surrounded by so much love. He has people who care about him and watch over him. This goes for all of the children. They are all surrounded by friends, family, and teachers who all love them and care for them.

Unfortunately, on Tuesday, Scott had a really rough morning. Scott had an appointment at his oncologist with the NP. Symptom management is big and since Scott is still having nausea and pain, she increased some meds and made recommendations for the meds he does have. The whole time, Scott was uncomfortable in his chair, in pain, and eventually he complained that he was hot. As we were finished up, he coughed up some phlegm and then proceeded to throw-up for a good five to ten minutes. At one point we didn't get the vomit bags in time, so he threw up on himself. It was awful. He was miserable and he is tired of feeling sick. They wanted to admit him to the hospital, but Scott was stubborn and refused.
As we were finishing up, they wanted to draw his blood for CBC, INR, and at least one other vial for something I can't remember. We ran into his oncologist and her medical assistant. While Scott was getting his blood drawn, we talked with her and she decided that stopping the chemo for now and doing radiation might be better for Scott. She's going to consult with his radiation oncologist and he's likely going to start radiation in the next week. This will help alleviate the pain he's having in his back, neck, hips, and legs. And the decision to resume chemo will be up to Scott after radiation has been completed.
This was one of those moments where I didn't keep my cool. I freaked out. When hospital admission became a distinct possibility, I panicked. Also, I'm the kind of person that cries even more when hugged, and of course, hugs were abound from his doctor, the MA, the NP, and such. I was scared and I really don't know what's going to happen next. Unfortunately, we also talked about hospice care and being prepared for that. Let's just say, that day was awful. 

The week ended on a good note, though! Another one of Scott's bucket list items checked of: WesCon (hence the title of this post!). So our friends from Friday Night Gamers (group of board game geeks), all came together to help us with WesCon. I think a little background is in order. A while back, our friend Wes would host his gaming friends over to his place for a weekend of board games and good ole fun. Over time the group grew and Wes, with his wife Amy, would host the weekend at their ranch in Penrose and the event was dubbed WesCon. A few years ago, WesCon went on hold as Wes' job took him out of state and life for everyone became hectic. Scott has many fond memories of going to WesCon. Riding motorcycles down to Penrose from Joe's house. Going for coffee at Coyote Coffee. Target practice outside. Staying up until 4 in the morning playing games. Good, fond memories.
When Scott first went into the hospital, Wes came to visit him. It was then that Scott asked Wes if he would do another WesCon. He was more than happy to do so. We finally found a day that would work for most in the group and that was this last weekend!
We were joined by over 15 of our friends, along with our children, over 30 in all! We all came rolling in Friday night and convened this evening. I believe there were four RV's/campers in the driveway which helped to alleviate the crowd inside.
I tell you, Scott had a blast! Nothing like being with his friends and playing some games to keep you upbeat. His new dosage of morphine has definitely helped with keeping the pain at bay. And with over a week behind him since chemo, his appetite definitely came back. He ate every meal and even had seconds and thirds on some! And last night, he stayed up until 4am this morning playing Shadows Over Camelot (a game that reminds him of our friend Joe, who passed away from brain cancer earlier this year).
Scott was most definitely happy this weekend. Thank you to all our friends who came and made this a an amazing event! 

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