Sunday, January 11, 2015

Party date set, another “Scott”luck, and Jurassic Quest!

We have an official date for Scott’s birthday party! January 25th at Back East Bar & Grill in Monument, Colorado! We went to the venue to check it out and they treated us to dinner. Scott and I really liked how laid back it was and we are excited to have his party there.


On Friday, we went to see Scott's oncologist. After talking with her and the pharmacist earlier this week, Scott has decided to try one of the treatment options. He is going to start taking Avastin as of tomorrow. He will go in for about 60-90 minutes every two weeks. Avastin is classified as a chemotherapy drug but it works in a much different way than traditional chemo drugs. Instead of attacking rapidly growing cells, this drug focuses on the vascular system, specifically blood vessels. While there are possible side effects, the overall crumminess of traditional chemo won't be as prevalent with this drug. His oncologist is not sure if this treatment will work, as Scott's case is very unusual. But she says it is worth a shot and, if successful, it would provide Scott with more time. He decided to give it a try and if he experiences any bad side effects that he feels he cannot handle, he will cease treatment then.


Yesterday, our friend’s organized another ‘Scott’luck. We hung out, ate some yummy food, played some board games, and just hung out. Scott decided to take some mmj while he was there and started to pass out on their couch. My friends had to help me bring him home because he could barely stay awake and keep himself upright. Thank goodness they helped me get him in the car and get him in the house when we got home. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without them. Speaking of amazing friends, I forgot to share this. At New Year’s Eve, we did our gift exchange. It is a Secret Santa gift exchange involving board games. However, when everything was all done, they all said they had a surprise for us. Our own Crokinole board – homemade, too! They all signed the back, too! Here, Melayna is trying it out.


Overall, Scott isn't doing too bad. He's definitely more sleepy than before and we've been managing his nausea and headaches, which haven't gone away and have gotten a little worse. Besides prescription drugs, Scott has been using mmj to help with his symptoms. We are still trying to figure out appropriate amounts, but so far the effects have been positive. The other symptom that I've noticed becoming more frequent is memory issues. He has been much more forgetful as of late. Hopefully, it doesn't get too much worse than it is.

Today we went to Jurassic Quest. Scott napped as soon as we got home. But we all enjoyed our time hanging out at the event center. I think it was a bit overpriced, but the kids had a fun time. Lots of big dinosaur models, activities, bouncy houses, and such. It was a good time and we got to spend it with our friends, too.

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