Sunday, April 1, 2012

My little paleontologists

One really cool investment we've made was an annual membership to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.  We must have gone at least a dozen times since first joining last year. 

Additionally, Tristan has taken a keen interest in dinosaurs, and other animals (especially the reptilian sort).   I am not just talking about "I love dinosaurs" phase.  This kid has studied dinosaurs and watched numerous documentaries on various dinosaurs.  And he's only six!

He can tell you the three periods of the Mesozoic era.  He knows what therapods are and what traits they typically have.  He can name numerous species of dinosaurs and tell you that a Dimetrodon is not a dinosaur (not commonly known, by the way). 

So, I don't mind calling him my little paleontologists.  In fact, we like to encourage his current passion by purchasing books and looking up videos on the internet. 

During our last visiting to the museum, we visited the gift shop.  It is hard to leave empty handed with two kids.  However, when we spotted these dig/excavate a dinosaur "fossil" kits, we just had to get one.  Well, then Melayna wanted one, too.  So, we purchased a smaller version for her.

We headed home and quickly went to work.  It was messy.  It was dusty.  It was fun....for about fifteen minutes.  Then it was a lot of work.  And it was taking too long.  Of course, Mom and Dad had to step in and help them out.  Before we had to step in, I couldn't help but take a few pics while they were concentrated on their work.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any after pics because everything was so dusty and dirty.  I didn't want that to get into my camera lens.

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